The world of film has been graced by many iconic performances from male celebrities over the years. From the powerful, yet vulnerable performances of Marlon Brando in The Godfather to the charming, yet mischievous performance of Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, there have been countless memorable moments that have made these […]
5 interesting facts about Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber is one of the most iconic celebrities of the 21st century. From his meteoric rise to fame, to his ever-evolving sound, Justin has captured the hearts of millions across the globes. Here are five interesting facts about Justin Bieber that you may not have known: 1. Justin Bieber is a Guinness World Record […]

Ukrainian media HEARING and video production KNIFE! Films released the documentary “Next” about Ukrainian women who, due to a full-scale Russian invasion, were forced to leave their homeland. The film premiered on the YouTube channel SLUKH and Director – Artem Grigoryan, producer – Maxim Serdyuk. The authors of the film, through interviews with each […]

14 interesting facts about Brad Pitt
Мы собрали для вас несколько интересных фактов о Брэде Питте из : Семья, в которой росла будущая звезда, была очень религиозной. Сразу после окончания университета, где он изучал журналистику и рекламу, Питт отправился в Голливуд с намерением стать актером. У него было с собой чуть больше 300 долларов. Его настоящее имя было Уильям Брэдли […]

20 interesting facts about Tom Cruise
Everyone knows Hollywood actor Tom Cruise has played a huge number of roles in movies, and many films with his participation have received the status of a cult. Worth remembering just one “Vanilla Sky”! When you look at his acting and open, you really begin to believe what is happening on the screen. What […]

“Titanic: how a film doomed to failure managed to become a cult film
Today, when the niche of box office blockbusters is tightly occupied by comic books, it is very difficult for viewers and readers to imagine that at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the most expensive and large-scale film could become a historical melodrama about the sinking of the Titanic in the waters […]

Interesting facts about Leonardo DiCaprio
There is no secret that any of his shoots in a new movie is a highly discussed event in the film community and DiCaprio is one of the most famous and paid actors of our time, as well as an active eco-activist and an enviable bachelor. The actor’s childhood Here are some interesting facts […]